Derek Coward’s Noise

  • Two observations

    1) I think that I have been cast as the Morton Downey Jr of comic book podcasting. I have more people sending me emails that they love the rants that I do than ones telling me that they like or dislike my opinions. I’m not sure how I feel about my opinions, likes and dislikes…

  • Isabella 2007-2008

    She was a very good puppy with very bad genes. I am a cat person, I have always been a cat person. She touched my heart more than any dog ever could and I will miss her. Some people say that she was lucky to have us in her life, but we were the lucky…

  • My first attempt at video

    For some reason uploading the video to an online service strips out the credits and one of the audio tracks. Here is the un-messedup version: Download

  • Update on Patti

    Patti went to the hospital and was told that she has pancreatitis. The doctor prescribed Nexium (the little purple pill) and a painkiller for the pain. She was also told to quit smoking, change her diet and quit drinking pop. Thanks to all my friends for their well wishes and support. I appreciate it more…

  • "Oh well, It can’t get any worse"

    A few weeks ago, there was an “incident” with my Skype account that resulted in me being out $130, dropping Paypal and for the first time in my life, doubting doing anything involving money online. Skype reversed the charges and now I have over $100 in Skype Credit which is not very useful to me…

  • Two Things 7/27

    I am heading out for the day but I have two things I wanted to share. 1) My cassette adapter is still broken, so I have a bunch of old tapes with me: Expose-What You Don’t Know, Whodini-Escape and The Best of Charlie Parker Vol 2. 2) I saw Dark Passage today for the first…

  • Something a little depressing

    I just realized that my termination day with the company I used to work for is August 15, 2008. That is also the 3 year anniversary of Deliberate Noise. At first I could feel the cold tendrils of depression trying to take hold of my mind, but I realized that when I posted the first…

  • Why my unemployment is good for the nation.

    Ever since I was downsized, it appears as though gas prices have dropped nation wide. I got a tankful of gas at lunchtime at $4.19, got downsized and as I drove by the same gas station, the price was $4.15. Not nice. The last time my car was out of commission, I hitched a ride…

  • The blog is renamed

    I didn’t put a lot of thought into the naming of this blog simply because I didn’t plan on using it very much. Lately I have been using it a lot more than I had thought I would, so I decided to worry about naming it. Since like my various podcasts, this is just me…

  • No more Paypal

    Due to the events of last week, I have gotten rid of my Paypal account. If you still want to buy a T-shirt or make a donation to the show, email me at and we’ll work something out. This also means no more eBay auctions for me. Thank goodness for Atomic Avenue. Sorry for…