For No Real Reason…

Rank of Hands

In order of Strength and Probability of Being Dealt

Straight Poker with Nothing Wild

Royal Flush (Highest ranking straight flush made up of Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten, in the same suit.) 1 in 650000

Straight Flush (Five cards of the same suit in numerical order) 1 in 65000

Four Of A Kind (Four cards of the same numerical value) 1 in 4000

Full House (Three of a kind and two of a kind) 1 in 700

Flush (Five cards of the same suit not in sequence) 1 in 500

Straight (Five cards in sequence with mixed suits) 1 in 250

Three of a kind (Three cards of the same numerical value) 1 in 50

Two Pair (Two sets of cards of the same numerical value) 1 in 20

One Pair (Two cards of the same numerical value) 1 in 2 1/3

No Pair Hands (Highest card held wins)



